Optimization Algorithm for Fuel Cell Stack Operation
The operation of the fuel cell stacks can be posed as a constrained optimization problem, with the objective being minimization of the current drawn from the fuel cell stacks.

New Materials Development Using AI-ML Techniques
Given the high energy density profile of metal-air batteries, they offer exceptional practicality for auto and domestic applications. Recent discoveries of novel electrocatalysts indicate enormous potential to improve the battery’s energy efficiency.

Analytics for Hemoglobin Count Based on Image Data
CVAC procedures are quite in their nascent conceptual stage and reasonable conclusions can only be derived through controlled experiments.

Controller Performance Monitoring and Ranking Algorithms
The challenge associated with the solutions to the problem of prioritization and root cause analyses of oscillatory behavior was primarily with the constraints placed on the available data.

Crude Assessor and Heat-exchanger Monitoring
The quality of the end products from a refinery is controlled by manipulating the operational parameters in the CDU. This requires accurate knowledge of the incoming crude from the storage tanks.

Data Reconciliation for Advanced Production Accounting
The significant challenge in this data reconciliation project was integration with third party thermodynamic modules and an optimizer.

Data Reconciliation for Blast Furnace
The R&D team at TSL faced a problem with addressing the discrepancy of the consumption of raw-materials (iron ore and coal) and the corresponding steel production.

Data Reconciliation for Power Plants
The R & D team at BHEL was tasked with building a framework to configure a power-plant and provide consistent estimates from raw streaming sensor readings at all sensor stations, spread across any given plant.

Enumeration and Selection of Structurally Similar Coil Designs used in Air Conditioners
MERL was interested to explore the minimum number of configurations which cover wider range of heat transfer capacity for a base coil bill of material (BOM).

First Mile and Last Mile Delivery for Oil & Gas Distribution
The objective of the project was to recommend a distribution strategy of oil and gas products to several outlets located across different parts of the country.

Flame Detection
The problem statement given to us was to study the characteristics of the signals collected from the flame detector and design an algorithm maintaining a balance between the early warning issued during a fire outbreak and minimum false alarms.

Matching Algorithm for Operations Management
The seat matching problem can be posed as a weighted bipartite matching problem with the seats being the objects to be matched. The first solution to the problem manifested as what is now known as the Hungarian algorithm.

Momentum Trading Strategies
Momentum based strategies employ several technical indicators to identify changes in trends. Moving Average Convergence Divergence or MACD is one of the most commonly used technical indicators and in a trending market it performs well.

Though there are controller performance assessment tools that are available from vendors, most of them are exhorbitantly expensive. In order to keep costs down, the implementation stack had to be fully open-source.

Optimized Fuel Supply Chain Management
Large fuel station owners have several options across the country at fuel terminals. The options can be in the form of contracts with specific vendors wherein, a fixed fuel lift is promised at a relatively cheaper rate than market norm.

Optimizing Operational Strategies in a Manufacturing Plant
MARS petcare manufacturing plant produces variety of pet care products in various stock keeping units (SKU) according to market needs. The plant has limited onsite storage space for stocking raw materials as well as finished products.

Process Automation of Dyeing Factory
Though machines were available in the market which offer complete automation of the process, they were prohibitively expensive and could only be sourced from outside the country.

Process Monitoring in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Units
Over thiry different parameters and their timestamped measurements were made available as part of the PCMM. As first step, these process parameters were categorized into parameters which had a direct influence on the

Reliability Analyses and Improvement for Automotive Industry
The first step towards improving reliability of the components was to model the state of the vehicles that were in use on the field.

A common approach in engineering practice is to describe every process operation through means of a first principles model. Such an approach quickly becomes infeasible with the realization that

Surge Analysis for Complex Pipeline Network Systems of a Thermal Power Plant
The problem involves finding the locations in the system where cavitation occurs (System pressure drops below the vapor pressure of the fluid) and ensuring that the maximum pressure